Complete On-Site Support Package

Why We Offer This Service

The Current Problem

There’s a growing information gap between what’s required on site to ensure NCC mandatory performance requirements are being applied and what’s actually being done. This gap leads to inconsistencies in compliance and quality, ultimately affecting project budgets and timelines.

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Current Solutions and Their Limitations

To address this issue, there’s been an adoption of digital technology and the addition of third-party inspections. However, these solutions have their drawbacks:

Digital Technology:

  • Complexity: Many digital tools are difficult to use and improperly set up, causing greater confusion.
  • Knowledge Gap: They don’t adequately equip on-site teams with the necessary knowledge and understanding to perform tasks correctly.

Third-Party Inspections:

  • Reactive Approach: Inspectors only review what’s already been done, without addressing the root causes of defects.
  • Repetitive Mistakes: There’s a disconnect in preventing the same mistakes from recurring across different projects.

Additionally, adopting digital technology can come with significant expenses and extensive setup time. Many companies are hesitant to commit to long-term agreements or feel restricted because their current technology doesn’t address the lack of quality outcomes hampering the construction industry.

Our Solution – Complete On-Site Support

Industry Best Construction offers services that bridge these gaps through comprehensive training, peer reviews, and our simplified structured approach.

Firstly we ensure that on-site teams are well-equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to meet NCC and standards requirements correctly.

Secondly we provide flexible options that don’t lock our clients into long term agreements that don’t work.

We’re the first service and tech based business that offers education, preparation, and support to equip you with a holistic approach for success.

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Scope of Services

Peer Review

Conducting a thorough peer review of the architect’s designs and plans with a focus on compliance and material specifications. This package includes consulting and customised quality control plans to facilitate payments through contract administration requirements.

Wet Area Construction Compliance and Quality Control Training

Comprehensive online training sessions focused on wet area construction compliance. These sessions are designed to equip on-site teams with the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the specific wet area requirements of your project.

Session Options:

  • Option 1: Two sessions of 2 hours each
  • Option 2: One session of 4 hours

Additional Services:

  • Setup of Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) tailored to your project’s specific needs, ensuring all wet area construction activities meet quality and compliance standards.
  • Training on-site teams in wet area construction compliance.
  • Onboarding of Industry Best Construction’s on-site quality control platform, including step-by-step guidance, configuration, and real-time monitoring.

Digital Software

Access to Industry Best on-site quality control software starting from the time the on-site team receives software training. This access continues throughout the project’s wet area construction timeline.

Bi-weekly check-ins and priority support.

Data Storage
Monthly data storage fee applies.

Payment Schedule

  • Upfront Payment: 50% for Peer Review and Compliance Documentation setup.
  • Remaining Payment: 50% due when training commences.
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Pricing is subject to the size, duration, and scope or level of involvement needed for the project and can be quoted upon request. Under no circumstance shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of using the information provided during our consulting services. Your use of the information and reliance on any information provided is solely at your own risk.