Avoid Costly Mistakes, Build with Confidence

Building your own home can be overwhelming, and many owner-builders feel unsupported, leading to costly mistakes. Water-related issues alone account for over 70% of building defects in Australia, and this is where Industry Best steps in to help.

One of the most common challenges owner-builders face is a lack of understanding about how to properly apply the National Construction Code (NCC), specifically the performance standards for wet areas. Many rely on tradespeople to handle waterproofing and wet area construction, assuming they are familiar with these requirements. However, this often isn’t the case, and trades can unknowingly carry out work that puts projects at risk of failure—either immediately or in the future. This can lead to costly repairs and compliance issues, hitting homeowners with unexpected expenses.

At Industry Best, we guide you from start to finish. Our platform helps you:

  • Assess wet area designs: Ensuring that your plans meet NCC standards from the beginning.
  • Issue Quality Control plans: Clear, easy-to-follow instructions for your trades to ensure work is done right.
  • Support ongoing construction: By overseeing critical areas like waterproofing, we reduce the risk of defects, giving you confidence that your project meets industry standards.
  • Holistic portfolio of evidence: By documenting every detail of the construction phase, you create a strong record of your wet areas. This not only benefits you as the homeowner by ensuring quality but also provides valuable proof to future buyers and insurers.

With Industry Best, you gain peace of mind knowing your wet areas are built to last, and your project is safeguarded from costly mistakes. Whether you’re managing trades or handling work yourself, our support ensures your project complies with the NCC from day one.

Owner Builder Package: Single Detached House

Scope of Services


  • Peer review of architect’s designs and plans, focusing on compliance and material specifications.
  • Up to 15 hours of consulting.
  • Customised quality control plans.

Wet Area Construction Compliance and Quality Control Training

  • Online training sessions focused on wet area construction compliance.
  • Access to 10 hours of recorded content.
  • Setup of Quality Control Plans (QCP’s) tailored to your project.


  • Detailed onboarding and setup of Industry Best Construction’s On-Site Quality Control Platform.
  • 12 months access, with additional months available for purchase.
  • Weekly or bi-weekly support check-ins.

Payment Schedule

  • Full payment required at the start of the Peer Review and Compliance Documentation setup.

Data Storage

  • $80 per month or $977 per year after job conclusion.
  • Data extraction available for a one-time fee of $997.

Total Cost
